Cardona took to social media on Thursday, January 9 and chose to share an email from a fan that wants to do a hell of a lot more than cheer him on at shows. In the message, the seven year fan of ...
MattCardona has revealed where his “Woo Woo Woo” catchphrase came from. After re-debuting on ECW as his Jersey Shore-inspired gimmick in 2009, MattCardona (as Zack Ryder) began shouting ...
When WWE released MattCardona in April 2020, he knew in his heart for awhile that he had wanted to get out there. He could only succeed so much in WWE with the Zack Ryder moniker attached to him.
MattCardona took to Twitter and commented on his loss at ROH Final Battle. “Last night I didn’t get the job done. I failed to beat @IAmJericho for the @ringofhonor World Championship,” Matt ...
John Cena's last run is officially underway in WWE. Former Intercontinental Champion Matt Cardona recently dropped a hint at facing him on his farewell tour ten years after their last match on RAW.