SPCA Florida in Lakeland has been awarded a $15,000 grant to assist families struggling to afford veterinary care for their senior dogs.
SPCA Tampa Bay has officially started fundraising for its 34th annual Pet Walk! This campaign helps the for-all shelter care for thousands of homeless animals and injured wildlife. Soccer star ...
SPCA Tampa Bay is partially reopening today to provide ... The SPCA is in need of supplies to help care for animals in their ...
SPCA Tampa Bay has officially started fundraising for its 34th annual Pet Walk! This campaign helps the for-all shelter care for thousands of homeless animals and injured wildlife that come to the ...
A litter of eight baby hedgehogs will soon be available for adoption at the Humane Society of Tampa Bay after a surprise pregnancy.
Join SPCA Tampa Bay for the 34th Annual Pet Walk on Saturday, March 29, from 8:30 AM to 12PM at Largo Central Park in Largo and North Straub Park in St. Petersburg!