The recent growth in experiential retail combines the changing attitudes of shoppers with landlords' need to fill space.
Nevertheless, this decline has been evident through nearly half a decade, and as of 2025, it shows no signs of halting.
Google is opening its first Southern California store this week in Santa Monica. Opening Friday, Mar. 7, the Google Store ...
Google has long offered options for customers to purchase its products from online as well as physical stores. The company currently has only five physical stores across the United States that sell ...
If one of your favorite pastimes is shopping, then you'll want to check out Santa Monica Place. Situated next to the Third Street Promenade, another shopping mecca, this modern outdoor mall is ...
Macerich has nearly $300M in debt maturing this year and more than $1B maturing in 2026. The company last year defaulted on a ...
Sharael Kolberg, Contributor, Travel The Third Street Promenade, which stretches from Broadway (by Santa Monica Place) to Wilshire Boulevard, is a popular shopping destination with an eclectic vibe.
There's a long way to go to catch up to Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL) giant retail footprint. However, as part of Google's ongoing ...
This is a beachy sun-kissed restaurant featuring big windows, lots of natural light in the daytime and a sprawling 10,615-square-foot indoor/outdoor space that includes a patio with ocean views from ...