The healthcare sector is at an exciting crossroads. On one side, the aging population in developed economies pushes medical institutions and governments to limit expenses and increase profitability.
In developed markets, especially Japan, the US, and the EU, medical organizations and practitioners are known for being conservative, making it difficult for new products and companies to break in or ...
The Japanese manufacturing sector is experiencing a dynamic period, with food and entertainment-related exports reaching all-time highs. When combined with macroeconomic trends, such as the weakened ...
As a specialist in color-coated steel sheets, BN Steela has served the South Korean market by delivering high-quality surfaces, contributing to South Korea’s dominance in the premium consumer ...
Dohat Al Adab Street, bldg no. A75 (OOSC); Al Khuwair P. O. Box - 104. Post Code 118, Al Harthy Comp OSC shall offer intelligent global transport solutions that directly benefit Oman’s National ...
The Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) Limited is a State Corporation established on 6th September, 1973 under the Companies Act (CAP 486) of the Laws of Kenya and started commercial operations in 1978. The ...
During a career spanning almost two decades, Ali Hamad Lakhraim Alzaabi has contributed extensively to the development of the hotel and hospitality service sector in the Middle East region. He is now ...
Mr. Younes has led Concord’s private equity investments for all of Concord’s funds since 2000. Former Chairman of Baring Brothers & Co., Inc., the New York based corporate finance affiliate of Baring ...
Starting from research into electrical power data analysis at Cambridge University in the UK, ENECHANGE has grown into a comprehensive energy firm tackling the most demanding energy challenges of our ...
For over 200 years, Eitaro has been delivering its customers with traditional confectionary that brings the Edo period to the people of modern day Japan.