I mmediately into the first episode, Dark Winds season 3 introduces the Navajo entity known as the Ye'iitsoh, and its meaning ...
Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack, is classic American etiology—his life and acts help explain why things are the way they are. For example, folklore says that the giant’s footprints created ...
Earthquakes are part of Washington’s past, present, and future, and we have local Native American tribes to thank for ...
Earthquakes are part of Washington’s past, present, and future, and we have local Native American tribes to thank for ...
“We are a nation of immigrants.” It is every American politician’s incantation, usually prefatory to some shibboleth lauding “strength in our diversity.” The creed of America as nation ...
Myth: Yankees and blacks conspired to exploit ... But since when is it not a great American tradition to go where the main chance is, to go where the new opportunities are, to go where ...
Houghton Mifflin ($3.95). This first book is the impressive result of a bold, if not wholly successful, effort to write the Great American Novel. It is also the latest and plainest sign that ...