The European Commission gave the green light on Thursday for former Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton to take up a new job at the Bank of America, despite a rule that requires a ...
A 1,437-pound, 13-foot, 3-inch great white shark named Breton started pinging off the coast of Daytona Beach four times, according to data from OCEARCH, a nonprofit organization that tracks and ...
The trial of a Cape Breton couple accused of sex crimes involving a young girl is expected to wrap up next week in Nova Scotia provincial court in Port Hawkesbury. Richmond County residents ...
Nova Scotia Liberal MP Jaime Battiste is mounting a campaign to replace Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and become the next leader of the Liberal Party. Battiste made history in 2019 when he was ...
FLORIDA - A 1,437-pound great white shark named Breton has been tracked six times off Florida's east coast as he continues his annual migration to warmer waters. Breton, a 13-foot, 3-inch great ...
The Scottish dance community is mourning one of the pioneers of highland dance training in Cape Breton. Eileen Pottie-Forrester, 74, taught thousands of Cape Breton highland dance students over more ...
A Cape Breton high school hockey team’s tournament victory earlier this month has gone viral. The dramatic finish to the championship game of the City of Lakes High School Hockey Tournament in ...
Located in East Asia, Japan is a top 20 country in the world in terms of population. Japan has the third-largest economy by nominal gross domestic product and the fourth-largest economy by ...
Trandafirul japonez, deÈ™i adesea asociat cu Japonia, provine de fapt din China È™i este cunoscut È™tiinÈ›ific sub numele de Hibiscus. Această plantă este extrem de populară în România, fiind frecvent ...
Este vorba despre natto, un produs tradițional japonez care ar putea reduce riscul apariției unor boli grave, precum cancerul, sau diverse afecțiuni cardiovasculare. Mai mult, ajută japonezii să ...
Constructorul auto japonez Nissan Motor oferă pachete de concediere voluntară angajaÈ›ilor È™i reduce turele de lucru la trei fabrici din Statele Unite, a anunÈ›at joi un purtător de cuvânt al companiei.
Trandafirul japonez fiind o plantă tropicală are nevoie de multă lumină È™i poate mai important decât atât multă căldură! Pentru o înflorire continuă trebuie să aibă câteva ore cu soare direct în ...