The FBI supposedly investigated sexual assault allegations against the Trump Supreme Court pick. A new report shows the probe ...
The Trump administration “specifically engineer[ed]” the investigation into sexual assault allegations against Brett ...
Davis claimed that Democrats in the Senate "refused to cooperate" during Kavanaugh's confirmation procedure. "We had witnesses come in for live testimony, including Christine Blasey Ford and Brett ...
We talk to the National Women’s Law Center about how the FBI non-investigation in Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh is ...
A new report criticized how the FBI investigated Brett Kavanaugh before he was confirmed as a U.S. Supreme Court justice.
In 2018, Susan Collins said the FBI background check into Brett Kavanaugh appeared to be “a very thorough investigation.” New ...
There is no book and there are no procedures’ for supplemental background investigations, senator says. ‘You simply do what ...
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse's report criticized the FBI for ignoring thousands of tips while investigating Supreme Court Justice ...
To the editor: I don’t think Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court was worse than it looked. It looked like exactly what it was: a successful attempt by people in power to ...
President Trump and his party never cared a bit about whether Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women. Kavanaugh's 2018 confirmation to the Supreme Court was going to be rammed through no matter ...