Inspired by the anime and manga, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jujutsu Infinite is a new action-packed experience on the Roblox platform ...
Innate Techniques play a vital role in Jujutsu Infinite. Not only do they determine how well you do in the PvP mode but also make things easier in the PvE mode if you have a good technique at you're ...
Every anime and JJK fan is currently enjoying the Jujutsu Infinite game on Roblox a lot. In this RPG action game, there are many cursed tools available that can help you a lot in your missions and ...
Jujutsu Infinite is a game brimming with surprises, hidden mechanics, and complex details that most players don’t catch during their first playthrough. If you want to discover hidden features, faster ...
Jujutsu Infinite is the latest Jujutsu Kaisen game on Roblox which is by far the best anime game I have played till now. In the game, choosing the right innate techniques will significantly influence ...
Spins are required to unlock innate techniques in Jujutsu Infinite. These techniques work like skills and are key to dealing damage in the game. You can roll out plenty of techniques in a round ...
Roblox's Jujutsu Infinite is an anime MMORPG that offers many consumable items to players. These items give temporary benefits during gameplay, such as increased luck, damage, HP, focus gain ...
Jujutsu Infinite takes every player through an action-filled adventure where you engage in explosive duels with formidable bosses and battle terrifying monsters and other creatures, learning ...
these two are the best healing methods in Jujutsu Infinite mid-fight. Parries can heal you for a lot if you can land them consistently while SRCT is more of a background heal as you do damage.
Inspired by the much-loved Jujutsu Kaisen Anime series, Jujutsu Infinite is a popular RPG fighting game on Roblox, where you train your character to become a powerful martial artist and unlock ...