Biopharmas and global agencies are now prioritizing initiatives and innovations to drive speed across product development with an emphasis on getting new treatments in the hands of doctors and ...
Overall opportunity flow improved in quarter four and was broadly ... the industry in the adoption and implementation of robotic process automation, a tool that makes us more competitive and ...
Seema Jaitly defines what constitutes a medication error and explains the process for accurate recording and reporting so that risks can be assessed and reduced ...
The open letter states that the EU member states have benefitted from the EMA’s co-ordination in approvals and pharmacovigilance ... but an uninterrupted flow of decisions at the EMA is vital ...
The company offers a suite of services supporting the clinical development process from Phase I to Phase IV in various ... data management and analysis, pharmacovigilance new drug application ...
MSF has implemented innovative solutions in Yemen, Bangladesh, and Kenya, such as using high-flow nasal cannula therapy for children ... Therapeutic challenges and the role of pharmacovigilance PLOS ...
Charmaine Caruncho of Celonis shares how Process Intelligence delivers insights into healthcare processes, which can drive ...
Flow cytometry, which provides multi-parametric cell characterization ... “Now, instruments like the ZE5 Cell Analyzer TM can process 384 samples in under an hour, handling 30-parameter analysis with ...