A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the fate of the Syrian dictator after he fled to Moscow following his downfall.
Under Vladimir Putin's orders, Russia and China will work together on AI development, and this could further power Moscow's ...
Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the Head of the Office of the President, stated that currently, there can be no negotiations ...
Assad, who ruled Syria for over two decades, was the victim of an attempted poisoning in Moscow. Social media account General SVR, reportedly run by an ex-top Russian spy, claimed that Assad had ...
The former Syrian dictator called for medical help, whereafter his health reportedly began to deteriorate further.
A transnational pipeline was shut down on Wednesday after Kyiv refused to renew a prewar agreement that allowed for the ...
Putin told the government and state-owned Sberbank to "ensure further cooperation with the People's Republic of China in ...
Suspended gas transit has early impact west of the Dniester; Renowned scientists among victims of New Year’s air strike; ...
Ukraine hailed the end of the gas transit deal amid Russia's invasion. But Russia said European living standards will suffer.
Ukraine halts Russian gas transit to Europe as the contract expires, marking a significant shift in energy relations and supply chains.
At least seven people received fines following a police raid on a nightclub in Tula in February, according to court documents ...
Ahead of Trump's second term, talk is turning towards how the conflict might finish - and what it would take from each side ...