Take Marcus Antonius Exochus, whose story is told on his tombstone. Though much of his life and death remains a mystery, it ...
At any given time, there are countless secret government operations underway in the United States. While this has always been ...
Alongside Tetraites and Prudes is another famous fighting duo: Priscus and Verus. Once the Colosseum was finished in 80 C.E., its completion was celebrated with a number of opening day games. Part of ...
Roughly 2,000 years ago, the ancient Roman city of Halaesa Archonidea was a thriving commercial center. And like any bustling metropolis in the Roman world, it had extensive baths where well-to-do ...
This is the story of Gianni Versace’s life, murder, and legacy. Born on Dec. 2, 1946, in Reggio Calabria, Italy, to a poor family, Gianni Versace was fascinated by fashion from a young age. He grew up ...
In 1988, two scuba divers off the coast of Bulala, Sicily discovered the wreck of an ancient Greek ship from the 5th century B.C.E., later named “Gela II.” The ship was initially explored in 1995, and ...
Scotland has the Loch Ness monster. Florida has the skunk ape. And Wyoming has the jackalope, an elusive but beloved rabbit-like cryptid with the antlers of a deer. So, are jackalopes real? It depends ...
Decades after Spiculus and Marcus Attilius made their names in the arena, another gladiator rose to fame. His name was Flamma, and he’s remembered for both his fighting abilities and his disinterest ...
On the night of Sept. 1, 1969, dozens of residents across Berkshire County, Massachusetts claimed to have witnessed a UFO. “We had listeners call the radio station that evening,” said David Isy, ...
One of history’s most notorious gangsters, Gambino family boss John Gotti was known as “The Dapper Don” because of his expensive clothes and ability to eloquently handle himself on camera. His ...
The next SNL member death story is one of the saddest and most mysterious. It concerns Charles Rocket, who died by suicide in 2005 at the age of 56. Born on Aug. 28, 1949, Rocket joined the SNL cast ...