© Hollandse Hoogte / Erik van 't Woud In the Netherlands, 18 percent of the population aged 15 or older are LGBTQIA – an abbreviation that stands for lesbian, gay ...
Among the groups of largest emitters, households had the highest ECR at 219 euros per tonne of CO 2 emissions in 2023. This includes the temporary subsidy on gas prices in 2023 due to the introduction ...
Almost half of all industrial sectors produced less than they did one year previously. Among the eight larger industrial sectors, output fell the most sharply in repair and the installation of ...
The number of corporate bankruptcies adjusted for court session days fluctuates significantly. The number peaked at 911 in May 2013. It subsequently continued to decline until the end of August 2017, ...
Every month, CBS also publishes an update on the conditions for exports in its Exports Radar. These are largely determined by developments in key sales markets for domestic exports and by the ...
The wealth of a household (and its members) is based on a measure that includes information on both standardised disposable income and capital. Rankings of households by income level and assets are ...
In this news article, a selection is made of the largest emitters of CO2 in the Dutch economy, that account for 90 percent of total CO2 emissions in the Netherlands. Back to article ...
Het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau (SCP) en het Nationaal Instituut voor ...
In 2023 waren 540 duizend mensen in Nederland arm. Dat komt neer op 3,1 procent van de bevolking. Deze cijfers zijn berekend volgens de nieuwe methode voor het meten van armoede, die CBS, SCP en Nibud ...
De verschillende loopbaanpaden worden beschreven na een start als werknemer in zorg en welzijn. De loopbaanpaden worden ...
In Nederland is 18 procent van de bevolking van 15 jaar of ouder LHBTQIAl. Dit komt neer op ongeveer 2,7 miljoen mensen.
Het volume (werkdaggecorrigeerd) van de goederenexport was in augustus 3,1 procent kleiner dan een jaar eerder.