Para buscar publicaciones científicas y técnicas del OIEA se pueden usar varios parámetros: el año de publicación, el tema y el tipo de publicación. Seleccione abajo el criterio de búsqueda facetada ...
Open dialogue is key to earning the support of local communities to host nuclear power projects, ranging from power reactors to research laboratories and deep geological repositories for spent fuel, a ...
This publication aims to provide Member States with a concise overview of the latest developments regarding SMR technology worldwide. It explores SMRs under development, their potential growth ...
An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts said Latvia has made clear improvements to its regulatory infrastructure, making it more efficient and effective. The team also encouraged ...
The 2024 edition of the IAEA’s Climate Change and Nuclear Power report has been released, highlighting the need for a ...
The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) informed the IAEA that on 10 October three UAV flights were recorded within the monitoring zone of the South Ukraine NPP, and five in the ...
IAEA scientific and technical publications can be searched by multiple parameters: year of publication, topic and type. Use the facets to input your search criteria or the text field to search by ...
IAEA scientific and technical publications can be searched by multiple parameters: year of publication, topic and type. Use the facets to input your search criteria or the text field to search by ...
IAEA scientific and technical publications can be searched by multiple parameters: year of publication, topic and type. Use the facets to input your search criteria or the text field to search by ...
يمكن البحث في منشورات الوكالة العلمية والتقنية باستخدام بارامترات متعددة: سنة النشر والموضوع والنوع. واستخدموا الجوانب لإدخال معايير البحث الخاصة بكم أو حقل النصوص للبحث بالعنوان أو الكلمة الأساسية أو ...