Malaysia's King Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar recently visited China, marking the first trip by a Malaysian king to China ...
(ECNS) -- Leaders from China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) announced that the Version 3.0 China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) negotiations have achieved a substantial conclusion ...
In recent years, the Chinese government has actively promoted innovation and reform in public cultural services. Over 35,000 new public cultural spaces have been set up nationwide, including libraries ...
On the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), he shared his study and work experiences in China during an interview with China News Network, recounting his unique ...
A Chinese tourist in Thai traditional dress poses for pictures at Wat Arun Ratchawararam Rathawaramahawihan in Bangkok on Jan 17. BLOOMBERG/GETTY IMAGES China's stimulus measures will have a positive ...
A pilot project of returning A'Bao into the wild started in July 2022 after years of behavior and re-wilding training at Xishuangbanna Asian Elephant Rescuing and Breeding Center in Xishuangbanna Dai ...
这个人间正道,洋溢着心中有民的赤子情怀。谷文昌曾说:“不把人民拯救出苦难,共产党来干什么!”他带领干部用实干苦干让东山旧貌换新颜,让百姓过上好日子,人们亲切地称他为“谷满仓”。在病重弥留之际,他深情地说:“请把我的骨灰撒在东山,我要和东山的人民,东山的大树永远在一起!”直到今天,东山县“先祭谷公,后祭祖宗”的习俗生动诠释了什么是“政声人去后,丰碑在民心”。为官一任,谁赢得了百姓的口碑,谁就在人间正 ...
以“地”为源,筑牢“根基”。今年中央一号文件明确提出,扎实推进新一轮千亿斤粮食产能提升行动,稳定粮食播种面积,把粮食增产重心放到大面积提高单产上。在今年的秋粮生产中,黑龙江围绕稳粮增豆,推广大垄密植栽培技术5100多万亩和水肥一体化技术212万亩、山东重点打造六大主要粮食作物大面积单产提升引领区,先行建设310万亩核心区、河南在已经建成高标准农田的基础上,重点打造1000万亩玉米、700万亩小麦, ...