Many years ago when Bangladesh was also demanding a separate nation, it was India who supported it. In such a situation, the ...
India Independence Day is Thursday, August 15. “It’s a day of celebration and a day of happiness and a day of thankfulness,” ...
Check 2024 bank holidays in India. Get the national banking holidays for current calendar year and list of state and month ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi while on his two day visit to Mauritius is expected to address the Indian community later in the ...
LONDON, Feb. 20, 1947 (UP) -- Prime Minister Clement R. Attlee told the House of Commons today that the government intends to hand India over to the Indians not later than June, 1948. Attlee told ...
Meet the brave women who fought for freedom and independence. Know the inspiring stories of 5 fearless female freedom ...
Naidu was not only a poet but also a courageous leader in India’s fight for independence. She was a close supporter of Mahatma Gandhi and played an important role in the 1942 Quit India Movement.