KiwiRail failed to follow a decade-old Coroner's recommendation to fence an area of railway line where a young Matamata ...
Libelle, which provides about 125,000 meals a day for the government's revamped school lunch programme, went bust on Tuesday.
Bond, who had his own career cut short due to recurring back injuries, emphasized the importance of workload management for ...
Watercare's chief programme delivery officer Shayne Cunis said he was glad to hear the company would remain in New Zealand.
Northland and most of Waikato are already in a prohibited season, which means no outdoor fires are allowed and all fire permits are revoked. Te Hiku Region Manager Ron Devlin says the hot, dry ...
Auckland has now been placed under a total fire ban with a warning even a hot car parked on dry grass is enough to spark a devastating wildfire. Outdoor fires are now banned across the top of the ...
Ditching the 'woke' guidelines was in the NZ First coalition agreement. Now they're gone, and there's not even a draft ...
A hapū-iwi group wants to close access to Te Whara/Bream Head to stop people walking over their wāhi tapu or culturally sacred land. The Bream Head Scenic Reserve in Whangārei Heads is managed by the ...
Parkwind is among several companies looking at the opportunity to build a wind farm off the south coast of Taranaki on New ...
The rapid expansion of China’s ocean exploration offers Beijing valuable military intelligence as it expands its naval reach ...