The buildings that make up suburban sprawl are widely viewed as disposable, too cheaply and specifically built to lend themselves to adaptive reuse or to meld into an urban fabric. This is broadly ...
For years, scientists have argued that sprawling urban and suburban development ... Squires, Gregory D. Urban Sprawl and Uneven Development of Metropolitan America. In Urban Sprawl: Causes ...
By contrast, denser, walkable, mixed-use development patterns produce far more tax revenue per acre than is needed to pay for their associated infrastructure.
Sprawl keeps creeping north of Tarrant County. Learn about the businesses driving it, the cities managing it, and the people ...
Us suburbanites are often shunned, mocked or just plain misunderstood by our big-city neighbors. So when I learned that a few new museum exhibits were featuring the suburban experience, I was ...
Sprawl requires lots of land, encroaching on forests, wetlands and prairies. Sprawl helps explain why North America has lost an estimated 3 billion birds in the past half-century. People ...
And with that, MARTA has the potential to serve as a model for how public transportation can adapt to increasing suburban sprawl. In Clayton County, which is just south of Atlanta and home to the ...
Urban growth boundaries aim to curb suburban sprawl and protect rural land, but do they always work? In this video, we explore the effectiveness of UGBs, using Portland, Oregon, as a case study. Learn ...
While their family home was the realization of a dream, it and many others like it are also part of a trend in which urban and suburban sprawl has crept into previously wild areas. Climate change ...
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