Vienna is one of central Europe's largest metropolises. Although they are often referred to numerically, each bezirke, or neighborhood, has its own name. The numbers climb as you stray farther ...
There is something perfectly unclassifiable about the Austrian writer Karl-Markus Gauß’s new book In the Forest of Metropoles ...
The Danube in Depth cruise embarks in Nuremberg and disembarks in Budapest with stops in Regensburg, Passau, Linz, Durnstein, ...
Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT) officially put a Boeing 787-9 (Dreamliner) Full Flight Simulator (FFS) into operation in ...
Instead, check out the streets just beyond the city center. Over the past few years, Vienna has seen the rise of international cuisines, ranging from Asian to Italian fare. No matter where you ...
Current local time in Vienna (Europe/Vienna timezone). Get information about the Europe/Vienna time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
In some ways, Rabbi Yaakov Peer, the founder/director of the Chabad Persian Youth Center in the heart of Pico-Robertson has ...
The EU suspended visa-free regime for Georgian diplomatic and service passport holders on January 27. This “will be followed ...
Europe is home to some of the world's most beautiful cities, but there are also some hidden dangers there that travelers need ...
Nurturing Environmental Stewardship Wangari Maathai, who captured the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize, was deeply connected to Kenya's ...
Planning a visit to Europe can often lead you to ask yourself numerous questions because visas can be an issue. A visit to ...
SAYS spoke to a Road Transport Department official, who detailed the process of converting foreign driving licences, including the categories of foreigners eligible for the conversion.