Research defines "inappropriate, intense, or poorly controlled anger" as "1) anger that was triggered by small things or that was difficult to control; 2) frequent temper outbursts or anger that lead ...
Johnsburg High School is a rarity these days with its classes on heavy equipment operation, thanks to alumni who never want to see the program die.
Experience precision and versatility with the ARCCAPTAIN MIG 205MP, a multi-process welding and cutting machine for ...
The Napavine School District recently opened the Tiger Sandbox after about a year of planning how best to have students use a new tractor it purchased with grant funding. “We were trying to figure out ...
Gone are the days where vocational education had a bad reputation and the theory was career centers were a place for lesser ...
Students in Baker, Morrow, Umatilla, Union or Wallowa counties planning to pursue a career in the residential building industry are invited to apply for financial assistance. The Northeast Oregon Home ...
The roof of Western Fabrication-Fazekas Industries collapsed Sunday under the weight of snow. The owners said it is unclear just how much equipment is lost underneath the roof because that equipment ...
Students in Baker, Morrow, Umatilla, Union or Wallowa counties planning to pursue a career in the residential building ...
"It is still a male-dominated profession but things are changing and it's great to be a part of that change," says engineer ...
Structural fabrication is in John Schuepbach’s blood. His father worked for several shops in and around San Antonio, Texas.