Recent health inspections in Farmington Hills restaurants revealed food safety violations, including expired ingredients.
Berks County is divided into three jurisdictions: Reading, Muhlenberg Township and the rest of the county. Reading and ...
One of them had double-digit violations. Two others had nine each. Twenty-one vendors had perfect inspections. Here are the ...
The Trump administration shut down two critical food safety committees, cutting off expert advice to the USDA, FDA, and CDC.
but what exactly does the Health and Human Services Department do and what is his role? As secretary, Kennedy will be responsible for food and hospital inspections, providing health insurance for ...
Other inspections can be triggered by a change ... February 21: two violations. Food facility does not have the correct type of sanitizer test strips to determine appropriate sanitizer ...
Food inspections take place one to three times ... observed produce cut on-site does not have information for the store or company on the label. Price Cutter No. 35 Retail/Bakery, 1260 E.
We've all seen the various inspection labels at the grocery store and heard news about food recalls. But what's the actual ...
It’s tough getting that perfect initial inspection, with zero violations. But these 21 Polk County food vendors did that during the two-week period from Feb. 3 to 16. The list does not include ...
As trade tensions rise, Canadians are doubling down on local products. Learn what "Made in Canada" and "Product of Canada" ...
Food service and restaurant inspections are performed by the Vanderburgh ... Woman’s restroom does not have trash can with lid, Grease trap log not maintained, One critical violation: Spray ...