A trailblazer in Huntington Beach is changing the way the car detailing business looks one job at a time. A place which at ...
About one in four cities in California have charters, the rest, including Fullerton, are governed by state general law.
WalletHub published a study listing the 10 happiest cities in America with five of them all being in one state.
The Surf Industry Members Association awards will be handed out at this year’s Waterman’s Ball, which will return to The Ranch in Laguna Beach.
After losing three elections in a row, he was poised to depart public life. But a decade later, he’s heading back to Sacramento with a new county, a new wife and a new mandate.
Tony Strickland will be sworn into the state Senate Tuesday in Sacramento, two weeks after winning the special election to fill the 36th District seat vacated by Janet Nguyen who returned to the ...
Tony Strickland was sworn into the state Senate Tuesday in Sacramento, two weeks after winning the special election to fill the 36th District seat vacated by Janet Nguyen, who returned to the Orange ...
The Sharks are proudly supporting local legend Blakey Johnston's latest epic challenge in the name of mental health as he ...
Explore the results of the WalletHub study on the happiest cities. Find out why California towns dominate the happiness ...
Bass Lake kicking out big trout, Mike Beighey reported. New Melones bass moving shallow, Kyle Wise said. McClure Res ...