There is an oligarchy forming in America." Fox Los Angeles news anchor Elex Michaelson, on X: "Analysis: Biden's farewell speech is one of the most fiery of his time in office. His warnings about ...
President Joe Biden warned of a rising ultrawealthy “oligarchy” in America that ... But the stark warning represented an unusual use of a farewell speech that traditionally serves as an ...
What is an oligarchy, and why should we be worried? In what may be the most striking aspect of Biden’s farewell speech, the outgoing president warned of “the dangerous concentration of power ...
In his farewell address on Wednesday, President Joe Biden issued dire warnings about the emergence of an "oligarchy" in America ... In his 15-minute speech, Biden set forth an example for a ...
In his farewell address, President Joe Biden concluded a decades-long political career with a stern warning about the threats facing democracy.
Biden recalled President Dwight Eisenhower's farewell address in 1961, in which he warned of the military-industrial complex. "Six decades later, I'm equally concerned about the potential rise of ...
President Biden used his farewell address ... Biden in a primetime speech turned his attention to “some things that give me great concern.” “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America ...
In his letter and speech, Biden did ... Joe Biden's farewell address on Wednesday came with a series of warnings for the future of the country, including a rising “oligarchy taking shape ...