Take Marcus Antonius Exochus, whose story is told on his tombstone. Though much of his life and death remains a mystery, it ...
South America is filled with hot climates, but it was Argentina that became the continent’s hottest place in 1905. It was then that the city of Comodoro Rivadavia set a record when temperatures ...
Alongside Tetraites and Prudes is another famous fighting duo: Priscus and Verus. Once the Colosseum was finished in 80 C.E., its completion was celebrated with a number of opening day games. Part of ...
Decades after Spiculus and Marcus Attilius made their names in the arena, another gladiator rose to fame. His name was Flamma, and he’s remembered for both his fighting abilities and his disinterest ...
On the night of Sept. 1, 1969, dozens of residents across Berkshire County, Massachusetts claimed to have witnessed a UFO. “We had listeners call the radio station that evening,” said David Isy, ...
Beginning in March 1954, residents of Bellingham, Washington and the surrounding area began reporting unusual dents and pitting in their cars’ windshields. These pits were small — no wider than a dime ...
Like Spartacus and Crixus, Spiculus attended gladiatorial school in Capua. Unlike these rebellious gladiators, however, Spiculus achieved great glory in the arena — before meeting an ugly death. Like ...
In August 2016, reports of a creepy clown said to be roaming Green Bay, Wisconsin began to make local headlines. A fan page for the clown, dubbed “Gags,” popped up on Facebook, compiling what appeared ...
Like Marcus Attilius, Tetraites’ story was largely preserved in art unearthed by archaeologists. As such, many details of his life are lost. It’s unknown where Tetraites came from or how many bouts he ...
In January 1962, three girls at a religious boarding school for girls in Kashasha, Tanganyika (now Tanzania) began laughing and crying uncontrollably. Before long, dozens of their peers joined in — ...
Carpophorus is different from other gladiators on this list in that he didn’t fight against men: He was a bestiarii who battled wild beasts. These fights, called venationes, pitted men against animals ...