16/10/2024 - Les frères Ish et Monir Ait Hamou s’inspirent de leur enfance pour dresser le portrait de deux frères d’un quartier populaire de Bruxelles ...
Annunciato il programma della 37ma edizione del più grande festival di documentari del mondo, che si aprirà con About a Hero di Piotr Winiewicz ...
The programme is out for the 37th edition of the world’s largest documentary film festival, which will open with Piotr Winiewicz’s About a Hero ...
El evento croata, que aún acepta solicitudes, ha anunciado los miembros del jurado de los premios NEM, con ejecutivos, ...
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema ...
With submissions still open, the Croatian event, which celebrates the best in Central and Eastern European TV, has named its ...
16/10/2024 - L'evento croato che celebra il meglio della televisione dell'Europa centrale e orientale, e le cui iscrizioni sono ancora aperte, ha nominato la giuria dei premi NEM, composta da ...
15/10/2024 - Hassan Guerrar signe un premier long métrage généreux, touchant et libre, au cÅ“ur du Paris populaire, sur les ...
Hassan Guerrar delivers a generous, moving and free first feature film, set in the heart of working-class Paris and exploring ...
More than 2,600 professionals from the audiovisual sector from 50 countries gathered in Madrid for four days of activities, ...
15/10/2024 - Más de 2.600 profesionales del sector audiovisual provenientes de 50 países se dieron cita en Madrid para ...
The festival will also host the first edition of DocStudent Hub, a programme intended for documentary film students ...