42 ;sia wg jk l,dmh FACILITY OF WEAR METAL ANALYSIS Early detection of wear metals in lubricants Planned Preventive and greases improves machinery reliability, Maintenance (PPM) is especially if done ...
When we are at sea or land, we should have an idea to identify directions even at nights. It is very ...
CONTENTS FOREWORD 2 MESSAGES 3 - 8 GENESIS 9 A Shared Vision, a Unified Mission 11 Vital Spark of the Journey 12 In Reminiscence 13 - 16 Preserving Moments 17 Pioneers 18 Altering the Course 19 SALUTE ...
ywffm1 i9u,teq¿e3i;xl,udcl,úealia,slds ;aOanjwiúinmHm|dQ ;Sfkkfúix,%crï;oa;rkúfskdd;djwjir"dOmhjYka,rfht¾sdy,ailuk.fOylxdnsgqfi,ÍúkfafKsqjddwdOhalhfniyu.kkfd ...
Conquering the Sporting Glory Sri Lanka Volunteer Naval Force (SLVNF) was able to uplift the great image of the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) in the field of sports by enlisting professional sportsmen and ...
hjd ne¨‍fõh' iam¾Y iqjfhka is; myojdf.k fmrh' ;;= tfia fyhska iïuqL mÍlaIKh ...
ground situation and problems that the sailors bfvdarfha .skshu mjd wkjeis f,i ñ, l yels" face in their day to day routines. Not only that Tn fm!oa.,sl;ajfha ,íêh ks¾jia;% lr but also immediate ...
Icons of Identity Description of Flag & Staff The Lion Flag of the last King of Kandy was hoisted on the Jack Staff until the National Flag was designed. President’s colour which will be awarded to ...
diagnosed with COVID 19 epidemic in his native delaying.
iuQ, >d;khka" ld,hla ;siafia mj;sk bia,dï Nla;slhka jeä m%;sY;hla isák m%foaY Ißhd kS;sh wka;jd§ ;%ia; m%ydr yd Wm yuqod w;r hqO .egqï hgf;a jk md,khla lrd f.k ...
the nation state? What is the difference between Qualities of a Sovereign State. a country and a state? What is the criteria to be A sovereign state, sometimes called recognized as a sovereign state ...
depends upon human mind, mindset or state of mind. It is known as attitude.