Former Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) boarded a flight and departed Taoyuan International Airport at 11:51 p.m. on ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – A large survey conducted in Japan in late September found that 71% of respondents view Taiwan as an ...
The Taiwan Representative Office in Somaliland announced a commitment of US$22 million to design and construct a medical ...
In its joint statement with ASEAN, South Korea affirmed the importance of regional security and freedom of navigation in the ...
The Navy plans to establish a missile maintenance center by July 2026 to enhance logistical maintenance capabilities. The ...
Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) received a report that an Adimmune flu vaccine at a public health clinic in ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND) tracked 11 Chinese military aircraft, eight naval vessels, and ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — On Sunday (Oct. 13), the city of Keelung in northern Taiwan held a recall vote targeting Mayor Hsieh Kuo-liang (謝國樑), which resulted in the mayor prevailing and maintaining his ...
Seattle’s KEXP world music DJ Darek Mazzone led a roundtable discussion on the state of music on the sidelines of the World Music Festival Taiwan on Saturday (Oct. 12). According to Mazzone, “Music ...
「饗 A Joy」近期入圍光環境獎總決賽,足見其在空間設計上的卓越表現。餐廳以「山、海、原、城」四大主題區域呈現台灣多元風貌。適逢秋季時節空間換上溫暖的大地色系「秋裝」,芒草裝置營造出如臨台灣高山的浪漫氛圍。
由文策院舉辦的「2024 TTXC INNOVATIONS」自即日起至 10 月 27 日駁二大勇區 P2 倉庫登場,三大單元「內容展示」、「產業活動」與「企業展區」以「科技賦能」為核心展現科技如何賦予內容全新的生命力。 「2024 TTXC ...
基隆市長謝國樑罷免案於今 (13)日舉行,這是自2020年高雄市長韓國瑜罷免案後,二度有縣市首長面臨罷免投票。本次投票涉及基隆市31萬797名合格選民,分布在7個行政區的283個投票所。投票時間為當日上午8時至下午4時,隨後立即開始計票。