Army says strike targeted underground Hezbollah arms depot, preceded by evacuation orders; attack comes hours after terror group fires 50-rocket barrage toward northern city of Safed ...
With war exposing need for food independence, report from HaShomer HaChadash aims to push state to develop strategy. But with ...
As Washington toughens stance, letter from Blinken and Austin lists series of demands, including allowing 350 trucks daily ...
Volunteer medic shoots attacker dead; doctor who stopped to help wounded is also injured; Ben Gvir says private gun ownership ...
Kol Nidre service at Town and Village synagogue were forced to abandon building, but were determined to not let hoax ruin ...
Having excelled at her military service as a Border Police fighter, Inbar moved to Eilat after her release, where she worked ...
Shahak “Shasho” Yosef Madar, 26, from Dimona, was murdered by Hamas terrorists at the Supernova music festival on October 7.
Terror group's deputy head Naim Qassem says ceasefire is the only solution to the conflict, argues Hezbollah has right to ...
Both established and amateur artists set to music lyrics penned by the slain, capturing the spirit of those whose personal ...
Sgt. Maj. Yorai Eliyahu Cohen, 29, a police officer in the Yamam counter-terrorism unit, from Nahariya, was killed on October 7 battling Hamas at the Sha’ar Hanegev Junction.
US president said to be calmed by commitment to only attack military sites, fears broader attack would affect elections; PM's ...
But UTJ head Goldknopf says he's not against military service by ultra-Orthodox who aren't in yeshiva; complains his constituents are 'suffering' from government subsidy cuts ...