Facing the Lion is the autobiographical account of a young girl's faith and courage. Set during the Nazi occupation of Eastern France, it tells the story of one 12-year-old's struggle to follow her conscience rather than give in to Nazi propaganda and persecution.
Facing the Lion tells the story of a young girl living in Alsace through the 12-year Nazi reign of terror. The situations and choices she faced reflect the universal human struggle to survive, not only physically but also morally and spiritually, in a world that continues to …
FACING THE LION Memoirs of a Young Girl in Nazi Europe Abridged Edition By Simone Arnold Liebster THE BOOK Facing the Lion tells the story of a young girl living during an age of terror more than half a century ago. Yet the situations and choices she faced reflect the universal human struggle to survive, not
FACING THE LION Memoirs of a Young Girl in Nazi Europe by Simone Arnold Liebster THE BOOK Facing the Lion tells the story of a young girl living during an age of terror more than half a century ago. The situations and choices she faced reflect the universal human
This free 76-page study guide to Facing the Lion provides chapter-by-chapter activities suitable for classes in language arts, history/social studies, psychology, moral/ethical development, and the Holocaust.
Facing the Lion is the autobiographical account of a young girl's faith and courage. In the years immediately preceding World War II, Simone Arnold is a...
Facing the Lion is the autobiographical account of a young girl's faith and courage. In the years immediately preceding World War II, Simone Arnold is a... Almost overnight Simone's personal childish struggles become dangerous open confrontations with a system bent on conformity.
Facing the Lion is the autobiographical account of a young girl's faith and courage. In the years immediately preceding World War II, Simone Arnold is a... Please be sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to view the document below.
Facing the Lion is replete with excellent and relevant photographs and pencil drawings by the author. The appendices contain maps, letters written by the Arnold family while interred, examples of Nazi textbooks studied by Simone, and a sample of the Nazi declaration of …
Facing the Lion is the autobiographical account of a young girl's faith and courage. In the years immediately preceding World War II, Simone Arnold is a... Buy the Book and read about the life of Simone Liebster & the trials she faced